Day One Journal

Day One هو تطبيق تسجيل اليوميات الذي أعاد النظر في هذا الأمر. خاص تمامًا ومتعدد المنصات ومصمم بحيث لا يتم ملؤه أبدًا، كما إنه تم تصميمه ليتيح لك تسجيل الأحداث في حياتك طالما تعيشها. استخدم Day One بوصفه تطبيق مذكرة يوميات أو تدوين ملحوظات أو سجل سفر أو يوميات الامتنان.
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Introduce MOD APK Day One Journal

Journaling on paper is something a lot of people do. But if you want to keep memories longer, try writing on your smartphone with Day One Journal. Even if you’ve never journaled before, Day One Journal will get you to journal every day. Every day, a little story will be exciting and worth doing because it helps you store your memories of that day. And save on smartphones will be longer than on regular paper. So try journaling in Day One Journal. Who knows, you might enjoy using it.

Not everyone has the patience to write their diary every day. But they can keep the memory of things that happened in the past, so why not give it a try? Try another way if you are too lazy to use paper and pen to write. The key is to use Day One Journal to keep a diary. Just write down what’s on your mind. Edit them so that they are best for later. We have plenty of time to do this. It shouldn’t be a hasty diary entry to move on to. It will be when you are relaxing and thinking back to the day’s events.

Download Day One Journal mod – Every day, a memorable diary piece

Day One Journal has a calendar to support your note-taking process. Every day you will encounter an event that you cannot know. Or just easier meeting friends and relatives after a long time. But an event like this is worth capturing as a memory. Put the first letters on a blank page of Day One Journal. Writing a diary on a smartphone is always easier than on paper. That’s what everyone recognizes. You need to type the letters on the keyboard not to take too much time. And your diary will be more than just words. It can be photos, videos, and more.

Take photos and record videos

These are things that an everyday diary cannot have. Even if you can paste photos on the diary page, what about videos? Definitely can’t do it. Day One Journal allows you to post photos and videos to your diary. Feel free to move them around and place them anywhere. Take photos and videos of your day’s events first. In addition to the logs, we can annotate them to make them easier to understand. Reading the diary will then also be a lot more fun.

Notice of writing time

Did you forget that you have to write a diary today? Maybe the first few days will be like that. You probably need something to keep you informed to get used to journaling. It’s Day One Journal’s notification mode. Is your goal to journal daily or just a few days a week? Please specify clearly to install on the Day One Journal calendar. Choose the dates you plan to journal and set notifications for specific times. When that date and time arrives, Day One Journal will notify you. You’ll know it’s time to save your memories.

Secure your memories

Diary is challenging to share with others if they are not close and essential to you. It has been proven that the log is information that should be kept safe. Day One Journal also understands this and will help you in any way to keep them protected. It is the fingerprint lock function of the diary if available on your device. Otherwise, using a password is the most common and easiest way. You will only read the diary.

Write a diary in a new way and store it without fear of being read by anyone. Day One Journal mod will store your memories with many exciting tools. It is also an application for you to review your beautiful past.


What's new

- تجربة قوائم المهام
- خيار جديد لفرض أوقات التذكير الدقيقة
- تمت إضافة علامة تبويب "الصفحة الرئيسية" إلى كل الإدخالات
- التمرير متعدد الإدخالات + الأداء
- تم تحسين المحرر على الأجهزة اللوحية
- تمت إضافة عنصر نائب للخطأ لمشغلات Spotify/يوتيوب غير المتوفرة

تم الإصلاح:
- مشكلة في أثناء فتح الإدخالات من سلة المهملات
- مشكلة في إعادة تجديد الوسم
- عطل عند الرجوع من الكاميرا مع صلاحيات ملغاة
- الإغلاق متعدد الإدخالات بعد فتح الإدخال
- مشاركة الصورة


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